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VirtualLab Fusion入门与进阶



书籍名称:《Essential Macle




《VirtualLab Fusion物理光学


《多元化光学仿真平台-VirtualLab Fusion中文教程》(4)
时间:2024-12-20 18:27来源:讯技光电作者: 技术部点击:打印
59 单一表面&功能元件(Single Surface & Function Components) 515
59.1 功能性光栅(Functional Grating) 515
59.2 功能性超透镜(Functional Meta Lens) 516
59.3 功能调制超表面(Functional Modulated Metasurface) 518
60 单一表面&堆栈元件(Single Surface & Stack Components) 520
60.1 衍射光学元件(DOE)/微结构
(Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) / Microstructure) 520
60.2 衍射透镜(Diffractive Lens) 522
60.3 光栅(Grating) 524
60.4 全息光学元件(Holographic Optical Element) 526
60.5 微透镜阵列(Microlens Array) 527
61 可编程元件(Programmable Component) 532
61.1 可编程元件的几何形状
(Geometry of a Programmable Component) 533
61.2 可编程元件的光束传播
(Propagating through a Programmable Component) 535
61.3 放置可编程元件(Positioning a Programmable Component) 536
62 子系统(Subsystem) 539
63 光束整型器(Light Shaper) 540
64 在光栅设置中的一般光栅元件
(General Grating Component in a Grating Optical Setup) 541
64.1 结构标签(Structure Tab) 542
64.2 传播标签(Propagation Tab) 542
65 双表面元件(Double Surface Component) 543
第十章 理想光学元件与功能(Ideal Components and Functions) 544
66 编辑理想元件日志(Edit Dialog of Ideal Components) 544
66.1 基本参数(Basic Parameters) 545
67 传输函数(Transmission Functions) 546
67.1 主窗口的传输函数(Transmission Functions in the Main Window) 547
67.2 光学系统的传输函数(Transmission Functions in the Optical Setup) 547
67.3 传输生成日志的一般控制
(Common Controls of the Transmission Generator Dialogs) 548
67.4 可编程函数(Programmable Function) 549
67.5 孔径和透镜(Apertures and Lenses) 549
67.6 光栅传输(Grating Transmissions) 551
67.7 随机扩散器(Random Diffusers) 552
67.8 杂项功能(Miscellaneous Functions) 554
68 存储功能(Stored Function) 554
69 琼斯矩阵乘法(Jones Matrix Multiplication) 554
69.1 琼斯矩阵(Jones Matrix) 555
69.2 相移(Phase Shift) 555
69.3 偏振片(Polarizer) 556
69.4 延迟片(Retarder) 556
69.5 旋转器(Rotator) 557
70 分束器(Beam Splitters) 557
70.1 理想分束器(Ideal Beam Splitter) 559
70.2 偏振分束器(Polarization Beam Splitter) 559
71 操作符(Manipulators) 560
71.1 光强算子/坐标间断(Identity Operator / Coordinate Break) 560
71.2 平移(Lateral Shift ) 561
71.3 样品球面相位(Sample Spherical Phase) 562
72 透镜(Mirrors) 562
72.1 理想平面镜(Ideal Plane Mirror) 562
72.2 理想球面镜(Ideal Spherical Mirror) 563
72.3 理想存储反射镜功能(Ideal Stored Mirror Function) 564
73 特殊元件(Special Components) 565
73.1 ABCD矩阵设置(ABCD Matrix Setup) 565
73.2 倏逝场滤波器(Evanescent Field Filter) 566
73.3 场的分解(Field Decomposition) 566
第十一章 探测器:数据评估(Detectors:Evaluating Data) 567
74 光学设置的探测器(Detectors in the Optical Setup) 568
74.1 基本日志(Base Dialog) 568
74.2 从其他探测器复制设置(Copy Settings from Other Detector) 569
74.3 可编程探测器(Programmable Detector) 570
74.4 通用探测器(Universal Detector) 571
74.5 光场可视化(Field Visualization) 580
74.6 评价函数(Merit Functions) 586
74.7 点评估(Point Evaluation) 601
74.8 波前探测器(Wavefront Detectors) 603
75 谐波场和谐波场集探测器
(Detectors for Harmonic Fields and Harmonic Fields Sets) 608
75.1 日志探测器(Detector from Catalog) 608
75.2 物理探测器(Physical Detectors) 609
75.3 场元件(Field Components) 609
75.4 数值探测器(Numerical Detectors) 611
76 数据阵列探测器(Detectors for Data Arrays) 616
76.1 数据点平均值(Data Point Average) 616
76.2 复数直方图(Complex Histogram) 616
76.3 半高全宽(Full Width at Half Maximum) 617
76.4 最小值/最大值(位置和值)
(Minimum / Maximum (Position and Value)) 617
76.5 标准差(Standard Deviation) 618
76.6 均匀性误差(Uniformity Error) 618
76.7 选择内总和(Sum within Selection) 619
76.8 添加椭圆偏振(Add Polarization Ellipses) 619
76.9应用探测器附加组件(Apply Detector Add-on) 619
第十二章 分析器:光学系统评估(Analyzers:Evaluating Optical Systems) 620
77 薄膜分析器(Coating Analyzer) 621
77.1 曲面分析选择(Selection of the Surface to Analyze) 621
77.2 分析器输出选择(Selection of Analyzer Output) 621
77.3  分析器输出配置(Configuring the Analyzer Output) 622
78  畸变分析器(Distortion Analyzer) 627
79 场曲分析器(Field Curvature Analyzer) 629
80  场内部组件分析器:分步(Field Inside Component Analyzer: Split Step) 630
81 聚焦长度分析器(Focal Length Analyzer) 631
82 光路长度分析器(Optical Path Length Analyzer) 632
83  参数变化分析器(Parameter Variation Analyzer) 634
84 光栅级次分析器(Grating Order Analyzer) 635
84.1 一级输出(Single Order Output) 636
85 椭圆偏振分析器(Ellipsometry Analyzer) 637
86 元件内部场分析器:傅里叶模态法
(Field Inside Component Analyzer: FMM) 638
87 偏振模式分析器(Polarization Analyzer) 639
88 可编程光栅分析器(Programmable Grating Analyzer) 641
89 本征模式分析器(Eigenmode Analyzer) 642
89.1 本征模式算法(Eigenmode Algorithms) 642
89.2 初始模式参数和采样(Initial Mode Parameters and Sampling) 643
89.3 外耦模合模式(Outcoupling Mode)
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